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Whether booming with expansion, decaying through neglect, or left abandoned, the new SimCity™ simulation engine gives you immediate feedback so you can react to its every need. From mellow traffic flow to commuter hell, noontime crowds to nighttime calm, partygoers to troublemakers, the movement in your city is ever-changing and unpredictable. 《模拟城市4:尖峰时刻》是Maxis与EA大受好评的系列游戏《模拟城市4》的资料片。它能让您的城市更加活跃地运作,玩家藉由控制城市的交通,让自己创造的模拟人通往快乐的道路。与以往一样,玩家负责 … 更多《模拟城市4》补丁尽在游侠网模拟城市4专题。 游侠首页 资讯 图库 专题 游戏下载 视频 游戏库 游侠硬件 补丁 攻略 汉化 商城 小游戏 页游 正版下载 手游 火爆论坛 "D:\SimCity 4\Apps\SimCity 4.exe" -CustomResolution:enabled -r1280x800 保存后,双击该快捷 方式图标,游戏即会以1280*800的分辨率显示。 各种液晶显示器的最佳分辨率: 游民星空模拟城市5专题,提供模拟城市5下载,pc完整版,及模拟城市5攻略、视频,以及大量游戏资料。划时代的模拟城市游戏回来了!创造您的理想城市,作出决定打造城市的各个层面,让居住其中的模拟市民充满动力。每一个决定,无论或大或小,都会有真正的后果。 SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition包括最畅销的SimCity 4和全新的SimCity 4高峰时段扩展包。创建一个有农业小镇,卧室社区,高科技商业中心和工业骨干的有史以来最庞大的城市区域。完全控制城市的交通系统,并完成U-Drive-It的任务-从打击犯罪到解决灾难。
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News Gallery Videos Press Support Release: Platform: PCDeveloper: MaxisVersion: n/a Origin Features Play God Sculpt mountains, gouge valleys, and seed forests to lay the groundwork for your creation.Populate your land with animals that graze and roam and sometimes stampede into your city.Summon volcanoes, release tornadoes, and call down meteors… In SimCity 4, you don't just build your city, you breathe life into it. With god-like powers, you sculpt mountains, gouge riverbeds, and seed forests to lay the groundwork for your creation. Then construct the most realistic metropolis you can imagine. SimCity 4 Rush Hour U-Drive-It - Take complete control over cars, helicopters, and ambulances on your city's streets. Turn up the police siren and catch carjackers, or control the helicopter spotlight to track down bank robbers. Take charge, solve missions, and earn new reward buildings and vehicles. In SimCity 4, you can move some of the iconic Sims into your town and choose a car for them. Nothing fancy, just a simple selection for both a vehicle and pedestrian style for whichever Sim you have chosen. In this case, we’re picking Bella Goth to give her the car she never got in her current incarnation.
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版本说明:PC豪华破解版【运行说明】 1、解压压缩包2、按照破解攻略运行3、运行游戏. 遊戲模擬遊戲作業系統:xp vista win7 語言界面:繁体中文原創公司:Maxis 资源格式: 压缩包地区: 美国序號:F5C. 09.02.2021. · 预览分享《模拟城市4:豪华版SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition》繁体中文硬盘版,已 立即免費下載simcity 破解. 资讯|《模拟城市:我是市长》开启初春踏青活动 · 资讯|《古剑奇谭OL》森罗行 本次活动时间:9月13日---15日参与规则:活动期间,友友可在手游大厅首页,免费参加. 【公告】关于《闪耀暖暖》在韩国地区的运营服务关闭的. 畅销榜; 新游榜; 下载榜 终于化身为《早安我的少年》成功引进国内,并将在4月29日与各大玩家相遇!
SIMCITY GAMES. Be the hero of your very own city as you design and create a beautiful, bustling metropolis in SimCity BuildIt, the most popular city builder on mobile, and other SimCity games. Every decision is yours as your city gets larger and more intricate.
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